Silabus dalam bahasa indonesia –> Training Customer Value Solutions
It is inevitable that the value in the form of money is the most simple and most easily considered rather than functional value. In order to provide a competitive advantage, it is not sufficient to look from the perspective of shareholder value only, especially if at the expense of long-term goals. No less important is customer value. Shareholder value will only be achieved through super customer value that serves the competitive differential advantage. Customer value is a customer’s perceived preference of the product characteristics, performance, and whether it qualifies what is expected. This training will provide insight into customer value solutions as well as optimize the company’s ability to achieve the strategic goals of the company.
After this training, participants are expected to:
- Understanding the concept of customer value solutions
- Understanding the importance of customer solutions
- Can improve performance in order to remain well-established customer relationships
Course Content
- The Concept of Customer Value Solutions
- Training Services
- Handling Problems for Customers
- Build Good Relations with Customers
- The Importance of Customer Value Solutions for Companies
- The Impact of Customer Value Solutions
- Case Study and Discussion
This training is intended for:
- Supervisor, Manager or the upper level of the Human Resources Division or other divisions that require this training;
- Practitioners or professionals who want to increase knowledge about Customer Value Solutions
- Entrepreneurial
- Ibis Style Hotel Yogyakarta
- Gino Feruci Hotel Bandung
- Sofyan Betawi Menteng Hotel Jakarta
- Harris Seminyak Hotel Bali
- In House Training*
The Facility and investment
- The facility: Hard Copy Material, USB Flash disk, Training Kits, Coffee Break & Lunch, Certificate, Photo Group, Souvenir
- Investment of Rp. 6.000.000,- (Six million rupiah) per participants nonresidential
- The price is not including taxes
- Using the Zoom Application
- The facility: Hard & Soft Copy File, USB Flashdisk, Training Kits, Certificate, Souvenir
- Investment of Rp. 4.000.000,- (four million rupiah) per participants nonresidential
- The price is not including taxes
For more information please contact Customer Service
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