Silabus dalam bahasa indonesia –> Training Budgeting & Profit Planning
Planning is one of the functions of management, which is an action that is based on facts and assumptions about the picture activities to be performed in the future to achieve the desired goal. One of the programs in planning is Budgeting and Profit Planning, a program in the preparation of planning, control and control of the company’s profit. Stages in the program include: Determination of general and specific objectives of the company, determining the company’s management policy, planning and periodic long-term profit, strategic planning and control in achieving profit. This training will provide insight into effective measures in planning costs to be incurred by the company and optimizing the profit that can be obtained so that the productivity of the company will increase.
After this training, participants are expected to:
- Understand the process of planning and control in a comprehensive profit
- Understand the technical procedures used in planning and control profit
- Understand various management functions and responsibilities of the respective levels of management in relation to the planning and control process sequence earnings.
Course Content
1. The scope of the Company’s Budget
- Budget Cost of Raw Materials
- Direct Labor Budget
- Overhead Expense Budget
- Flexible Budget
- Production Budget
- Sales Budget
2. Projected Cost of Production and Sales
3. Projected Profits and Losses in Short and Long Term
4. Minimize the Cost of the Company
5. Control the Cost
6. Case Studies and Discussion
This training is intended for:
- Staff, Supervisor, Manager up to the upper level of the section Accounting / Finance, Budget, etc,
- Practitioners or professionals who want to increase knowledge on budget planning and determination of the profits in the company.
- Ibis Style Hotel Yogyakarta
- Gino Feruci Hotel Bandung
- Sofyan Betawi Menteng Hotel Jakarta
- Ibis Style Kuta Circle Hotel Bali
- In House Training*
The Facility and investment
- The facility: Hard Copy Material, USB Flash disk, Training Kits, Coffee Break & Lunch, Certificate, Photo Group, Souvenir
- Investment of Rp. 6.000.000,- (Six million rupiah) per participants nonresidential
- The price is not including taxes
- Using the Zoom Application
- The facility: Hard & Soft Copy File, USB Flashdisk, Training Kits, Certificate, Souvenir
- Investment of Rp. 4.000.000,- (four million rupiah) per participants nonresidential
- The price is not including taxes
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